Conjunctivitis symptoms:
- Mostly both eyes are affected, but often one starts before the other.
- The eye is red, with the blood vessels over the white of the eye more visible and swollen.
- The lining of the eyelids also looks redder or pinker than usual.
- The eye is sticky, with a discharge, which is worse when you wake up.
- The eye is itchy or painful.
- Sometimes people do not like to be in bright light (photophobia).
So ladies and gents, it's official and it's disgusting. Sorry. Actually, since I have no medical insurance as of yet (my company requires you to be employed for SIX months before you're eligible...highway robbery) I was going to go to an urgent care facility.
I had gone to our local pharmacy to inquire as to whether or not there was an OTC remedy for my ailment. No such luck. I called the urgent care facility and was told that the office visit would be (drum roll please) ....$185.00. WTF?!?! Umm...I'm sorry, but I'm poor and now I was screwed. Then, like a lightning bolt, I was hit with the recollection that mine friend had this not a month ago!! Hallelujah, I spoke unto myself! I called her, and called her, and called her. But alas, got only the voicemail. So, I opted to lay down and close my eyes.
Then, like a beacon, I see the little blue light on my phone illuminated...hark, the phone is vibrating and it is mine friend. My savior!! She has a full bottle of eye drops that she never used!!!! I was saved.
"Two drops in each eye every three hours" she advised.
Anything, anything you say to rid my eyes of this terrible infection. It would still be contagious for another 24 hours or so. I wasn't to be in the presence of anyone during this time. Damn, that means no work on Friday (today!!). That also meant that I couldn't go hang out with my friend at her house for beers and jacuzzi-ing. DAMN, I was jealous. Brand new jacuzzi with over 80 jets and I wasn't allowed because of my conjunctivitis. So, I opted for beers and "Under the Tuscan Sun" on one of the gazillion movie channels I had.
My eyes were almost instantly better. Woke up this morning...eyes opened easily! No problem! Of course I thought, "Well, I'm probably still no WORK!" And I didn't go. I'm not there. I'm relaxing at home. Eyes all cleared up (like a miracle!) and I get a 3 day weekend.
So, that's my story. The story of conjunctivitis and how it can both hinder and help you at the same time. Let this be a lesson to all. Beware the pink eye!!