Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I'm not going to sell my body

So, I've been thinking about this for awhile. I mean, it's ridiculous really. I'm 29 years old, I have a BA in Psych and an MBA and I make less than a teacher does. What the hell is going on? I thought when you got your diploma that read "Master's of Business Administration" that there would be a guy standing next to the guy that handed me a diploma offering me at least a $100K a year job. That's what they make you think anyway. Where did I go wrong? I was promised $10K more a year after 6 months at this job right now... did I get it? NO. Did I get anything? NO. Is my boss a lying flake? YES. Is this getting off track? A little bit.

Anyway, I need to figure something out. See, with my ginormous school loan payments, my car, and all the other fun bills...I have enough left over for gas and some food sometimes. What in the hell can I do about this? I am looking for a new job, but right now I'm totally broke. Here are some ideas I had for making some money(legally, that is...no selling my body or "substances of the illegal nature"), I need opinions or other suggestions (because these all suck):
1. Buy some spray paint and a stencil and go around painting addresses on people's curbs (as it is required that they have this).
2. Get a night job bartending somewhere
3. Pawn anything of worth that I own
4. Have a yardsale to get rid of anything that isn't of much worth that I own.
5. Go get paid for giving plasma.

Help. I am SO at a loss. I mean, I really just need a better job or a job that pays me better. How did I end up here? This just sucks a big toe.


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