Friday, July 29, 2005

I think I jinxed myself

Yep, I think I need to just shut up when I'm thinking about something because it always bites me in the ass.

- No job as of yet. Still waiting to hear back butI've had more interviews and second interviews and third interviews...but I'm still waiting.

- Worst thing in the mom's cancer is back with a vengeance. I don't know if it's beatable this time, but we're going to try our damnedest. Fucking dumbass doctors. Never even did another CT scan to see if there was more cancer growing...just kept saying "Boy, she looks good." We got a new doctor (too bad she wasn't the original one) who is awesome but it has gotten so bad. We think maybe she never was in remission. When the new doc called the old one he says ...."Well, but she looked so good!" the new doc says "She still looks good!" Stupid dumbass idiot doctor. I want to beat his ass. We want him to go down (although not necessarily monetarily) but I want everyone to know that he's a freakin' asshole loser dumbass. Can you tell I'm pissed? Other than that, I'm doing ok. My mom is keeping up her spirits and we're going to meet with the new doc on Tuesday to find out everything. Basically the doctor says she has 3-6 months...but there's always a miracle. We're praying for the miracle. If anyone can do it, it's this doc. She used to be at MD Anderson and has her own office and equipment. She said "If I'm not on your insurance, don't worry about it. This is my building and my equipment and I don't have to charge anyone if I don't want to." So that's awesome. Well, everyone keep your fingers crossed.

Man, this has been just about the shittiest year ever. I NEED some good luck vibes....any body wanna send some my way?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Could this be the one?

Things might be falling into place. I don't wanna jinx myself, but this could be my week.

I finally convinced my ex that he and I really need to call it quits after all this time. It's been a burden on us both, but him moreso lately. I just had to come out and tell him what was in my heart. I think in the long run we'll both be happier.

I got a callback and 2nd interview with the newspaper here!! Woohoo! It's been almost 3 weeks and I was getting worried (especially because he made it seem like it was urgent that they hired someone ASAP). That would be so awesome. The best pay, laptop, car allowance, cell phone....this was the one I was really hoping for. Wish me luck for tomorrow morning!

I've been going to the gym and working out religiously for about a month now and I'm really seeing the results. Weigh in today for the first time (as I try not to do that....well, ever) and I've lost 15 lbs! Woohoo!

I'm buying a freakin' lottery ticket!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Strange things are afoot

Yes, strangeness all around me. I don't know what's goin' on around these parts but it's pretty weird.

We had a friend come visit from Dallas this past weekend. Crazy, fun girl. We just recently (at our 10 year reunion) came into contact with her again after about 10 (duh) years. She's a lot of fun though.

She wanted us to bring a bottle of tequila in the car when we picked her up from the airport. Ummm....we opted to take her to lunch where they had alcohol. That's where it all began.

Recap of the weekend:

Friend Kim harrassed door guy for charging her $5 cover charge (The other guy never charges us, we're regulars!!). The rest of us, out of sheer embarrassment and pity paid the guy for her. Here on out, he is $5 man.

Ran into a bunch of random guys who were all googly eyed over all of us girls and kept trying to get us to go home with them.

Went to eat Whataburger at 2 am Friday night. My friend Kim locked her keys in the car...with the car running. She didn't notice until AFTER we had eaten. $5 man happens to show up. 2 screwdrivers and Kim's bent antenna later...locks pop open. She proceeds to tell him he's "the best thief ever." Friend from Dallas (FFD)runs inside to pay for his was $5. Strange how it all worked out.

Next day, we go shopping with FFD and she proceeds to gather a bunch of "joke try-on" clothes. Calls us out and we bust out laughing as she looks like Swiss Family Robinson meets the Partridge Family.

FFD finds a very expensive shrug (for you guys, a shrug is one of those really, really short jacket looking things) that looks like a disco ball. Periodically through the night I can't help but look at her in all seriousness and say "You make me feel like dancin'".

FFD notices halfway through dinner that the very expensive tag is still connected and hanging off of her shrug. Classic. She eats liguini fini with carrots and zucchini (I just like saying that).

We run around from bar to bar to bar because each one is packed. Catch a glimpse of Chad Michael Murray (in town for some odd reason??) who is very full of himself. Get accosted by some losers. One of them keeps asking "Why are you looking at me?" Uhhh....because you're in my face asswipe.

Go to Dunkin' Donuts where there stands a man who has been stabbed. Yep, stabbed. He refuses to let the lady call the cops because he has warrants. She calls of course and cops, ambulance, and fire truck show up. No he was not stabbed in the Dunkin' Donuts and he wasn't bleeding really badly or anything. We started giving the DD lady a hard time..."You stabbed him because he didn't like your donuts?" She laughed. We found out he was stabbed in Juarez and since it happened in another country....the cops wouldn't do anything about it?!?!

Stand on the street corner waiting to cross and get yelled at from all angles by people driving by. I hear "Oh! My eyes!" from some very original guy behind us talking about FFD's shrug. I laugh, she laughs. They stop us and one guys insists on trying it on and then taking a picture.

Great fun...that's just the abridged version of course.

If you're wondering about my job sitch....still the same. Had an interview on Friday w/an ad agency. Looks good but I think I keep jinxing myself, so I won't say anything else. I'll know by the end of this week. Dammit, I think I really need to get the hell outta here. Anybody know of any jobs (preferably in the northwest or west) for me?!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Ahh, to be a kid again

Brian tagged me and since he's so cool, I'm gonna go ahead and follow suit here:)

what 5 things do you miss about your childhood?
this meme requires you to do the following things:
remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place. add your blog's name in the #5 spot. link to each of the other blogs for the desired cross-pollenation effect.
Lissa Ann

next, inflict this meme on five new people. Now I know the rules but I'll just let anyone who wants to play along play along:)

Finally, list the five things you miss most from childhood.

1. My friends all living in the same city. I have the greatest friends in the whole world. Now that we're older and "all grown up", I miss not being able to hang out whenever and wherever. Many of them live out of the city or out of the state and so getting all 10 of us together is really difficult.

2. Summers off. Damn I miss having the lazy days of summer. We'd all go to our local swimming pool and screw around, swim, play. Those were the days! Man was I tan and in the best shape:) How I wish that never ended.

3. Not having any cares. I mean really, when we were little we didn't have a care in the world. It was where were we going to play or who's house were we spending the night at. There was no boy troubles, no job troubles, nothing of the sort. It was all fun and no responsibility.

4. Simple things. Being excited to come home from school and see my mom. Getting excited when they made my favorite thing for dinner. Staying up late to watch TV. Playing hide and seek in the dark at my friend's house. Doing flips off the diving board/trampoline. Little things that I never really thought about at the time.

5. Being fearless. I was such a tomboy when I was younger and I wasn't afraid to do anything. I could do any tricks any of the neighborhood boys could do, but better. I was the one all the girls ran to when people picked on them and I beat up the boys who taunted them. I wasn't afraid of falling off my bike and breaking my arm or falling on my rollerblades and knocking my teeth out. I wasn't scared of snakes or spiders or any creatures of the sort. I wasn't afraid of what was happening in the world and what could possibly happen. No fear. When did I become such a girly girl;)?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Drunk Talk

Now, am I the only person who remembers what we talk about when we're drunk and actually thinks it could mean something? No, I'm not talking about some guy telling me I'm so freakin' hot and that he wants to carry me off into the sunset...I'm talking about friend drunk talk.

We talk about going camping next weekend or all getting together (this time for sure) once a week for a girls night or finding a way to make money and not having to work for anyone else anymore.

I'm dead friends...not so much.

The other night we had a full on discussion about starting our own business. We have a great idea for this city and we could have the financial backing to do it. We have brought this up countless times and I'm dead serious about this. I'm always dead serious. But it only comes up when we're drunk.

So, I do something about it. I do the research, find out where we could set up shop, put together a rough business plan, make a list of costs and items we would need. I tell my friends and they're so wishy washy it's annoying. No, I'm not the one w/the money (but you guys already knew that) so I can't just move ahead. And maybe, when you're drunk, you have a lot more faith in things than when sober....but frankly I can't understand the point of talking shit if you can't back it up.

Mind you, this is one of many things. I know (or at least think) other people do the same. I think I learned my lesson when I talked shit one night while extremely intoxicated about going skydiving the very next day. "Yeah, I'll do it. Hell Yeah!" I thought, drunk talk. The guy I talked the drunk talk to thought "She's going." Shows up at my friend's house at 8 am (I was in Austin at the time visiting) and drags me out of the house with a hangover the size of Texas. And I did it. I think that gave me an idea that people take drunk talk seriously, and I have ever since.

My friends suck. They talk a good game but damn they're lame (I'm a poet;)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

No news is good news....right;)?

Well kiddies, still in the unemployment line but I'm not discouraged. I still have the newspaper job that looks pretty good and I have another lead here with a university, so all is not lost! In the meantime, I'm thinking of becoming a full time waitress....the money I'm making is probably better than what I made w/a real job. Now if I did it full time instead of just 3 nights a week, I'd be rollin' in the dough!

Things are getting better, I've spent the last 3 days at the movies and I saw 4 of 'em. I just love the movies....what better way to escape from the real world for awhile? Plus, I'm catching up on all of my sleep from the past....oh I don't know, 15 years. I was feeling guilty for sleeping late for awhile and then thought "When in the world am I ever going to get to do this again?" So now I'm enjoying it!

Been hanging out with my friends and just having a good time, enjoying each other's company and making each other laugh. 4th of July was eh. Didn't do much....watched some fireworks and shot some fireworks off but it was alright.

Other than that, just waiting to see what job some one beats down my door to give me;) I'm thinking if all else doesn't come through, maybe I'll become a teacher. Can't go wrong with all the vacation! Peace out ya'll.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Oh, the humanity

Seems that so much has changed now. My life has taken a turn in a completely different direction. Sadly, that job that I was hoping for fell through. Not sure what happened except that everytime the guy called me, he called when I was "working" at my other job. I think he gave up, despite the fact that I left him a message explaining the situation. Guess I wasn't supposed to have that one.

I had an interview with the newspaper here, looks good but who knows. Won't know til next week.

The biggest thing on my mind right now is what happened last weekend. A very, very dear and good friend of ours was killed in a car accident. He was my best friend's younger brother's best friend. They were inseparable, but we were all so close. When something like that hits so close to home it stirs up so much. Love between friends, sadness too, and a realization that all those times you know that you're guilty of driving when you probably shouldn't could end up tragic.

He was 26. He was full of life and the happiest person I've ever known. I guess at least that is somewhat of a comfort, to know that he enjoyed every second and didn't waste one minute of his shortened life. I'm worried for my friend's brother (who is like my brother) and pray that he is okay and makes it through this. He's a strong person, but I can't see how I would handle losing my best friend in the whole world.

He wasn't driving, he was in the backseat. The kid (21 years old) driving was probably speeding in the little sports car their other friend let him drive. He ran head on into a utility pole. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the back (do most people?). The two people in the front are now quadraplegic. In a terrible way, our friend got off easy.

So, that's what has been happening around here. I know time will heal, but I just wish it would hurry up. I hope that at least now people (my friends especially) will learn from this and not take stupid chances. I know it has awakened me. It just sucks that it takes losing a dear friend to learn.

I'll keep writing here off and on, so don't stop checking to see if I posted. I miss you blogger friends...I need a job so I can start blogging again;) See ya.