Friday, July 29, 2005

I think I jinxed myself

Yep, I think I need to just shut up when I'm thinking about something because it always bites me in the ass.

- No job as of yet. Still waiting to hear back butI've had more interviews and second interviews and third interviews...but I'm still waiting.

- Worst thing in the mom's cancer is back with a vengeance. I don't know if it's beatable this time, but we're going to try our damnedest. Fucking dumbass doctors. Never even did another CT scan to see if there was more cancer growing...just kept saying "Boy, she looks good." We got a new doctor (too bad she wasn't the original one) who is awesome but it has gotten so bad. We think maybe she never was in remission. When the new doc called the old one he says ...."Well, but she looked so good!" the new doc says "She still looks good!" Stupid dumbass idiot doctor. I want to beat his ass. We want him to go down (although not necessarily monetarily) but I want everyone to know that he's a freakin' asshole loser dumbass. Can you tell I'm pissed? Other than that, I'm doing ok. My mom is keeping up her spirits and we're going to meet with the new doc on Tuesday to find out everything. Basically the doctor says she has 3-6 months...but there's always a miracle. We're praying for the miracle. If anyone can do it, it's this doc. She used to be at MD Anderson and has her own office and equipment. She said "If I'm not on your insurance, don't worry about it. This is my building and my equipment and I don't have to charge anyone if I don't want to." So that's awesome. Well, everyone keep your fingers crossed.

Man, this has been just about the shittiest year ever. I NEED some good luck vibes....any body wanna send some my way?


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