Sunday, July 17, 2005

Ahh, to be a kid again

Brian tagged me and since he's so cool, I'm gonna go ahead and follow suit here:)

what 5 things do you miss about your childhood?
this meme requires you to do the following things:
remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place. add your blog's name in the #5 spot. link to each of the other blogs for the desired cross-pollenation effect.
Lissa Ann

next, inflict this meme on five new people. Now I know the rules but I'll just let anyone who wants to play along play along:)

Finally, list the five things you miss most from childhood.

1. My friends all living in the same city. I have the greatest friends in the whole world. Now that we're older and "all grown up", I miss not being able to hang out whenever and wherever. Many of them live out of the city or out of the state and so getting all 10 of us together is really difficult.

2. Summers off. Damn I miss having the lazy days of summer. We'd all go to our local swimming pool and screw around, swim, play. Those were the days! Man was I tan and in the best shape:) How I wish that never ended.

3. Not having any cares. I mean really, when we were little we didn't have a care in the world. It was where were we going to play or who's house were we spending the night at. There was no boy troubles, no job troubles, nothing of the sort. It was all fun and no responsibility.

4. Simple things. Being excited to come home from school and see my mom. Getting excited when they made my favorite thing for dinner. Staying up late to watch TV. Playing hide and seek in the dark at my friend's house. Doing flips off the diving board/trampoline. Little things that I never really thought about at the time.

5. Being fearless. I was such a tomboy when I was younger and I wasn't afraid to do anything. I could do any tricks any of the neighborhood boys could do, but better. I was the one all the girls ran to when people picked on them and I beat up the boys who taunted them. I wasn't afraid of falling off my bike and breaking my arm or falling on my rollerblades and knocking my teeth out. I wasn't scared of snakes or spiders or any creatures of the sort. I wasn't afraid of what was happening in the world and what could possibly happen. No fear. When did I become such a girly girl;)?


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