Thursday, July 07, 2005

Drunk Talk

Now, am I the only person who remembers what we talk about when we're drunk and actually thinks it could mean something? No, I'm not talking about some guy telling me I'm so freakin' hot and that he wants to carry me off into the sunset...I'm talking about friend drunk talk.

We talk about going camping next weekend or all getting together (this time for sure) once a week for a girls night or finding a way to make money and not having to work for anyone else anymore.

I'm dead friends...not so much.

The other night we had a full on discussion about starting our own business. We have a great idea for this city and we could have the financial backing to do it. We have brought this up countless times and I'm dead serious about this. I'm always dead serious. But it only comes up when we're drunk.

So, I do something about it. I do the research, find out where we could set up shop, put together a rough business plan, make a list of costs and items we would need. I tell my friends and they're so wishy washy it's annoying. No, I'm not the one w/the money (but you guys already knew that) so I can't just move ahead. And maybe, when you're drunk, you have a lot more faith in things than when sober....but frankly I can't understand the point of talking shit if you can't back it up.

Mind you, this is one of many things. I know (or at least think) other people do the same. I think I learned my lesson when I talked shit one night while extremely intoxicated about going skydiving the very next day. "Yeah, I'll do it. Hell Yeah!" I thought, drunk talk. The guy I talked the drunk talk to thought "She's going." Shows up at my friend's house at 8 am (I was in Austin at the time visiting) and drags me out of the house with a hangover the size of Texas. And I did it. I think that gave me an idea that people take drunk talk seriously, and I have ever since.

My friends suck. They talk a good game but damn they're lame (I'm a poet;)


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