Wednesday, July 06, 2005

No news is good news....right;)?

Well kiddies, still in the unemployment line but I'm not discouraged. I still have the newspaper job that looks pretty good and I have another lead here with a university, so all is not lost! In the meantime, I'm thinking of becoming a full time waitress....the money I'm making is probably better than what I made w/a real job. Now if I did it full time instead of just 3 nights a week, I'd be rollin' in the dough!

Things are getting better, I've spent the last 3 days at the movies and I saw 4 of 'em. I just love the movies....what better way to escape from the real world for awhile? Plus, I'm catching up on all of my sleep from the past....oh I don't know, 15 years. I was feeling guilty for sleeping late for awhile and then thought "When in the world am I ever going to get to do this again?" So now I'm enjoying it!

Been hanging out with my friends and just having a good time, enjoying each other's company and making each other laugh. 4th of July was eh. Didn't do much....watched some fireworks and shot some fireworks off but it was alright.

Other than that, just waiting to see what job some one beats down my door to give me;) I'm thinking if all else doesn't come through, maybe I'll become a teacher. Can't go wrong with all the vacation! Peace out ya'll.


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