I don't know how many of you have been to or live in or near a border town, but I have to say that we here in the good 'ol Sun City have the worst drivers because of the foreign contribution. Drivers from Mexico are absolutely ridiculous. I mean, if you've driven in Mexico you might have an idea too...but it's like bumper cars out there. I've learned to steer clear of any cars with license plates reading "Front Chih", "Chih Mex", "Chihuahua", or anything similar in nature because I want to live. Yesterday I made the mistake of not heeding my own advice.
My story begins in 5 something pm traffic. Now, our traffic here isn't too bad compared to other cities but there's some congestion here and there. I'm cruisin along listening to our KLACrap (our only radio station and it's pretty much classic rock all day, all the time) and make my way across town with no close calls at all. I see my exit like a beacon-- "Sunland Park Dr"--one of my favorite signs after 8 hours of work. I exit as usual and begin to make my way towards the actual street. Well, here's when things get tricky.
[Sidebar necessary for you to understand the story: The off ramp is one of those where when you get off the freeway you can either curve to the right and merge onto the street, or you can go straight to the stoplight to turn left onto the street. ]
The Front Chih (as we call any Mexican driver with a Mexican license plate...pronounced "frun chee") in front of me cannot decide which way he wants to go. I can see the wheels turning in his head..."Which way do I go, which way do I go?" So he decides to curve to the right (which is the way I go to get home)...oh no...wait. He doesn't really want to go that way but he already passed the point of no return. "Eh...no big deal" I can imagine him thinking, "I'll just slam on my brakes and throw it in reverse" in the middle of the off ramp!!! So of course, that means I get to slam on my brakes too because God forbid I should get into an accident with a Front Chih when it's their fault (no insurance you see). So, I slam on my brakes and everything in my car, including me, smacks into the windshield. Luckily, and for some strange reason, no one is behind me so it saves me from getting rear-ended. Then, with not a care in the world, the Front Chih goes on his merry little way. Of course, not without a serious ear full and many, many gestures from me.
I've never encountered such an idiot in my entire life...we need an island where all the idiots get shipped off to so we don't have to deal with the dumbass crap they pull on a daily basis. Maybe that could be a new reality TV show..."Idiot Island" and they can have daily tasks. Whoever loses gets shot...oh crap...did I type that outloud? Sorry, wishful thinking I guess.