Pretend I haven't seen it
Over the weekend, since everyone I knew was out of town, I realized exactly how annoying my sister is. I learned that I should never, ever tell my sister that I've already seen the movie we're about to watch. I've learned that I should never, ever watch a scary movie with her. I pretty much learned not to watch movies with her. From the getgo she wants to know "Why is he doing that?" "Where are they going?""What's happening?"(as she's turned completely away from the TV and she's got her fingers in her ears as to avoid knowing what's happening in the scary movies). Even in movies that I've flat out told her I have not yet seen, she still asks me questions. Through the entire movie! She wants to know what happens at the end of the movie when it's just beginning. She'll say "He dies doesn't he?" "That's the killer huh?" or something to that effect. Then she'll get up and go in the other room for extended periods of time and then comes back and wants me to explain what happened. So...if by mistake I tell her that I've have seen it, I just say "Pretend I haven't seen it." because she'll ask me questions and then get pissed when I don't tell her. No wonder I don't hang out with her and watch movies.
Ohhh I hate when people do this. I know some people that do this, why? what? who? when? tell me tell me!!
I am not sure why they even bother to watch movies at all!
This is why I watch movies alone (sounds sad). It keeps me from having to slap people for asking these types of questions.
Nice story you posted on my site...Thanks
That's as bad as people who tell you what's going to happen before it happens (and you DIDN'T ask for it!).
Ooh, TG, I think that would be worse...I would seriously hurt that person!
I'm not one to tell people how to deal with their own siblings, but I've found that a fresh slap across the mouth can be both refreshing and instructive. Plus, sometimes it's our duty as the elders.
This seriously might be my biggest pet peeve. Ugh people shut up during a movie. It drives me crazy when people want to talk during a movie. At least your sister wants to talk about the movie. My friends want to talk about 100 other things. Drives me mad!
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