Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Intellectually speaking

I really can't stand when people feel the need to use big words in everyday conversation. As I imagine they are trying to make themselves sound educated, and possibly even superior, they end up sounding like dumbasses when they can't even use the big word correctly. Or even worse, they make up a big word. Or they use phrases that make no sense in the context in which they are using them.

I'm sure you realize I have a specific person in mind or why else would I have thought of this? Well, you're right. There was this girl that I used to work with. She was the most irritating person, the kind that knew everything. We started working there on the same day and if I was having a problem with something she'd peek over and say "Do you need help?" No, I don't need help from you newbie. Now keep your eyes on your own desk.

Well, she used to say stuff like "In actualness..." or "On the contradictory" (yeah, I know!). My favorite thing was when she was on the phone and someone would ask her a question. She started everything off with "in theory". Now, I worked for a software company and people would ask questions like can my software do such and such. But I mean people asking questions as simple as will my software be compatible with Windows 2000? Yes, it will, it was designed that way. Her answer "In theory it should be." What color is the box so I can look for it in our office? In theory, it should be blue. NO....actually in reality it is/does those things. Maybe I got carried away on it, but it in all seriousliness it drove me nuts.


At 9:29 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I hate when people do this, so I started making fun of this girl who said irregardless...well then my whole little group started saying it and now it is like a real word and I forget that it is not and I will catch myself using it in front of real people

At 11:34 AM , Blogger KelBel said...

Well, my friends and I have stuff like that too, where people in the real world look at you like wtf? Actually, I have something pretty ridiculous. It started when my roommate was getting up to go to bed. He gets up and does a little Elvis pose and says "Remember the King" as a goodbye/goodnight thing. He does this a coupld of nights. A few nights later he does the same thing and adds "As they say in France, Remember the King" (don't ask). After a few nights of that, he gets up does the Elvis thing and says "France". So ever since then, when we say goodbye or good night or whatever it's always France. Sometimes I catch myself saying it to other people and they look at me like I should be wearing a straitjacket.


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