Thursday, February 17, 2005

I swear that's how I feel today. You ever have those days? I mean, I woke up without any idea what day it was, what time it was, where I was, and pretty much who I was. Now normally, this would be the result of a hangover of some sort (maybe not the projectile vomiting kind, because with those you usually wake up on the bathroom floor) but I didn't have one (or two, or three, etc.) drink last night. Just woke up in a haze and have been sitting at work trying to come up with a clever headline for our newspaper ad. I could SO be this guy on the billboard today. Posted by Hello


At 11:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I am not even trying to do any work today because anything I do I will end up having to redo because I can not concentrate!

Are you still going to Austin this weekend?

At 11:07 AM , Blogger KelBel said...

No, my dumb boss tells me he's going to Vegas and needs me here on Friday and Saturday so I don't get to go:( My friend is still going and now I'm bummed because it would have been fun.

At 11:42 AM , Blogger Martini Love said...

Oh yes those days!! Yesterday I walked around thinking it was Tuesday all day and someone that is always off on Thursday's reminded me it was Wed. I love when that happens!I was just in my own little world thinking it was Tuesday not paying attention.. the person from the billboard, yep could've been me! HA-HA


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