In an attempt to conserve funds...
This past weekend, my friend and I decided we were going to save money by not going out drinking. In an attempt to meet this goal, here's what I ended up doing this weekend and what I spent money on:
going to the movies 3 times
getting popcorn at the movies 3 times
getting a drink at the movies 3 times
getting the necessary sour patch kids 3 times
going out to eat sushi
going out and buying pizza for everyone (to eat at our "Sex in the City" viewing extravaganza)
going out and buying champagne and orange juice for mimosa's for everyone(to drink at our "Sex in the City" viewing extravaganza)
going out to eat sushi (again)
going shopping and buying six (yes, six...I mean how utterly ridiculous and unnecessary is that!) pairs of new shoes
going shopping and buying 4 new outfits (on top of the shoes)
buying liquor and wine for a "barbecue" at a friend's new house last night so we could get drunk and play scrabble (my team totally won, by the way).
How broke am I now you ask? Broke as a joke. And I'm not laughing. SO, in an attempt to save money this weekend, I actually managed to spend everything I had left until my next paycheck (which thankfully is tomorrow). So, until tomorrow I guess I can sit around and look at my new shoes and imagine how much food at least one pair of shoes could have paid for.
Well, you got a lot done. And the shoes will last longer than drinks. But now that you've done all of that, you should just go out drinking next time. Sounds cheaper. That will be my excuse next time. "Hey, I had to go out. It was cheaper than the alternative."
I tried this once but ended up just going to the movies drunk.. I would try this all of the time but there are too many bars in my path!! :)
Yes, are absolutely correct. Next time I will definitely remember how much money I "saved" by not going out. Of course, I will enjoy the shoes much longer than I would have enjoyed the drinks. Plus, the shoes didn't make me feel pukey the next day...just a little happy.
Well, the thing can't have sushi without a big Kirin light and at least a large order of sake. Did have a bit of a buzz in the movies...although nothing a diet coke, popcorn with extra butter, and a bag of sour patch kids can't fix right up (with the help of my friend of course, it's a movie ritual).
I tried to have movie night at home once a week so I would not go out...I currently owe Holiday Video a weekend's worth of partying in late fees!
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