Monday, January 31, 2005


I have no idea why I dragged my butt out of bed today. Woke up at about 3 am with a fever, swollen throat/tonsils, and a head/neck/back ache. Tossed and turned until 5 am when I decided I'd go scrounge for some type of pain relief. Found Alka Seltzer and some Advil. It worked for a brief period of time. Woke up miserable and got ready for work b/c my boss is out of town and so there was no one to call in sick to. Now I'm here and fading in and out of consciousness. Don't think I'm gonna make it past lunch. Think I'll go home.

Just so happens today is the day that some people (friends of friends) decide to come "visit" me so I can help them out. So I got to do some favors for some people too.

Head is seriously aching despite the DayQuil overload.
Back of neck also aches.
Throat is swollen and does not allow swallowing.
Feel sweaty and cold all at the same time.
Feeling a bit dizzy and medicine-heady.
Wonder if I can drive all the way home without crashing head on into something or someone.
Will attempt this in 15 minutes.


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