Lame reconstruction of a great lost post
Thought vortex in my head, can't come up with anything cool to write about. Always looking for interesting things to happen around me so I can write about them. Either nothing good ever happens or I'm not very observant. Could just be that I'm one of those people with off-timing. Ya know, everything interesting happens about 10 seconds after I'm gone. Either way...I miss all the good stuff. Doesn't really matter because my witty banter leaves me everytime I try to post something on my blog. And to think, I have always aspired to be a creator of literary...well, somethings. Even if it's literary crap...ah well, I did have some pretty interesting dreams last night.
Dream #1:
I could have been in Utah or on Jupiter for all I know...I just know it was alot of nothing and there were soldiers surrounding me. Don't know what kind of soldiers, but they were wearing camo. Anyway, I must have made a sudden move because one of the soldiers raised his gun and pulled the trigger. Lucky for me, the gun jammed. So then, of course, all the others tried to fire at me. As luck would again have it, all guns jammed. Then they all threw their guns down ( dream is like one of those bad, predictable action movies) and voila! I bust out the kung-fu-tae-kwon-do-"crouching tiger, hidden dragon"- martial arts type moves and start kicking some soldier butt. It's like that scene in "Kill Bill" where the Bride is kicking ass left and right. Except I had no sword (nor sword-fighting skills to my knowledge...note to self: next dream acquire sword and sword-fighting skills). All was going my way until one of those bastards came at me and stabbed me in the neck with, not one, but five tranquilizer darts. I know, what a dick. I remember getting weak and that's all. Guess that's what happens when you watch "House of Flying Daggers" before bed. Cool.
Dream 2:
I'm in some type of airplane (small twin engine or something) and everything's fine...we're cruising along . Then all of a sudden all the gauges start "beep beep beep"-ing like crazy. First I feel and then I see that we are plummeting nose first towards the ground below. I can see out the front windshield that the ground is coming closer and closer. Then, right before impact, the pilot pulls up and away from our impending death. Just when I think "Whew, that was close" BAM! SPLASH! right into the ocean that appeared out of no where. Not sure what ocean or where it was before (as I don't remember any body of water) but there we were, crashing right into it. That's all I remember.
1. Learn crazy flying-through-the-trees-style martial arts (and others too I guess).
2. Stay away from twin engine planes and magically appearing bodies of water.
A friend of mine has a book that is supposed to help interpret dreams. I think there is definatly going to happen to you. Since you are dreaming of near death experiences(you never actually die in dreams), and most interpretations are opposite what you think, I say you will win the lottery or something cool. The book itself is actually really dumb. You just look up things that were in your dream, such as death, kissing, or a fork. And it gives like 4 different possible things and they are all opposite so one of them has to be right.
Pretty cool dreams though. I hardly ever remember mine or I forget them by time I try to tell someone about them.
I once had a dream that I was a cat who breathed underwater and spoke fluent English. I roamed the bottom of the Mississippi River, which runs along my hometown.
I also had a job. The St. Louis Rams' stadium was actually on the bank of the Mississippi (rather than in downtown St. Louis), but on the Illinois side of the river (in my hometown, you see?). Whenever the Rams would score a touchdown, the stadium would spurt pyrotechnics and shoot fireworks into the air. My job as the cat who breathed underwater was to clean up the ashes and other debris from the fireworks that fell into the river and subsequently floated to the bottom.
I don't know why I was able to speak English.
I'm not sure what this dream says about my waking life, but it certainly says that I have the best dreams ever.
Wow...that's a pretty crazy dream. I'd say you're a contender for "best dreams ever". Strange, but I hardly remember dreams yet this entire week I've had extremely vivid and memorable ones. You know those that make you wonder while you're dreaming them "Is this real? Has to be because it feels so real." Lots of those lately. I used to have lots of dreams where people were chasing me and trying to kill me, although now I just have weird random dreams.
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