Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Riddle me this

Riddle #1
A voice said to you "Coconuts, $5 a dozen" With your lightning quick arithmatic you calculated that if you sold those same coconuts to the coconut air assault team for the going rate of $3 per dozen that in no time at all you would be a millionare. When I met you 15 seconds ago you told me the words you've just read. I ain't trying to be nosy but now that you've drug me this far, explain your math or quit lyin' and tell me your TRUE financial status!

Riddle #2
You're sitting at a bar, an explosively-dank hole in Funky Town USA.You have an award that says, most likely to be the character in a riddle . . . looking around your attention finds a small chair with a mobile entity covering it with it's lesser half . . . It speaks, you hear "Glass of water please . . . " You see the bartender examine the seated man for a moment. He then reaches under the counter and pulls out a shotgun point-blank in the man's face. The seated man speaks again "Thank You" he says, and walks out of the bar . . . why did the man get what he needed?

Any takers??


At 12:11 PM , Blogger RC666 said...

No answers? I think #1 is he's more than a millionaire and when he loses enough money he will then be a millionaire. #2 I don't know, scared the piss out of him into a glass?

At 9:07 AM , Blogger KelBel said...

Well...right on RC. Yeah, the first one the guy's a billionaire already. The second one, the guy had the hiccups. Pretty clever aren't ya? I shall have to challenge you another way!


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