45 Virgins on a Pelican
It cracks me up sometimes to hear what people think the lyrics of some songs are. I mean, you have to stop and think for a second if what you're singing actually makes sense. Below is a list of what people that I know think some lyrics really are:
1. Pearl Jam- Glorified G
Actual lyrics: "Glorified version of a pellet gun"
What my friend actually thought they were saying: "45 Virgins on a pelican"
2. Grateful Dead- Casey Jones
Actual lyrics - "Drivin that train, high on cocaine. Casey Jones is ready, watch your speed."
What my friend actually thought they were saying: "Drivin' that train, high on cocaine, case you're jonesin' better watch your speed."
3. Beck- Loser
Actual lyrics: "Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"
What my friend actually thought they were saying: " So, I opened the
door. I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"
4. Pearl Jam- Jeremy
Actual lyrics: "Jeremy spoke in class today."
What my friend actually thought they were saying: "Jeremy's smokin' grass today."
Now those are just a few examples, and I don't know if someone told her that those were the words because she's gullible and they knew she'd be singing em and make a fool of herself or what...but she ACTUALLY thought those were the words. Of course, I told her gullible wasn't in the dictionary. She looked it up.
Ha! I posted a comment on the "no point intended" post before I read this! Too funny!!! I guess it applies to both!
That is so funny that you read the other one first and said that about lyrics! That's great!
John Mayer's Your Body's a Wonderland
Real: Skin like porcelain
RWA's Version" Skin like Orson Wells"
WTF? How could she think that makes sense?
B: I'm still trying to figure out how porcelain sounds like Orson Wells...that's a good one!
Waldemar: That's freakin hilarious. I always think that when I find love I need to Whip it....whip it good!
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