Is Phoenix in Arizona or New Mexico?
My friend actually called me today to ask me that. I'm totally serious.
I say "You're kidding right?"
He says "It's Arizona huh? Or New Mexico?"
I say "Don't ever call me and ask me a question like that again (laughing my ass off)"
Up there, that's me hanging up on him. I mean, no he didn't go to college, but come on!
So, while I'm talking about him and getting a kick out of it, I remember this story.
We are sitting around talking one night and he says something something "No point intended".
I said "What did you say?"
He looks at me like "Duh" and says "I said no point intended".
I said "Don't you mean 'No pun intended'?"
He says "Pun? What the hell is a pun?"
So after we all stop laughing I say " A pun is a play on words. It can be like a play on a different meaning of the same word or the same meaning on a different word."
Look of bewilderment in his eyes and a "Huh?"
So my other friend and I are trying and trying to think of a good example of a pun.
In the meantime, he says "Oh, I got one. Say I'm sitting at dinner with someone. They have food and I don't but I'm really hungry. I look at them and say 'No pun intended'".
I say "That doesn't even make sense."
He goes on and on about how it does make sense and he doesn't care because he's gonna use it.
I finally come up with "Ok, say you're on a date with a short guy and you're eating shrimp. Someone comes up to you and says 'Nice shrimp' then looks at the guy and says 'No pun intended'". Kinda lame, but the only thing I could think of.
Well, he says whatever but he's still gonna use no point intended. He thinks it makes more sense.
That is like the Friends episode where Joey says:
"It is a Moo point"
"You know it is like a cows opinion, it's Moo"
Remind me not to take your friend as a partner in Trivial Pursuit.
I help tutor a group of "academically challenged" first and second graders. Last week we did an exceptionally lame puppet show for them. It was bad, don't remind me. The point is, our puppet show was organized around the theme of teaching them what a pun is. Imagine our dismay when they all already knew what a pun was. I'm not making any explicit connections between your friend and my bunch of first graders, but one might be there...
Since you responded to my question regarding Blogger Ethics, since I own almost every movie listed in your favorite movie section, and since we are both interested in increasing our sphere of influence until it encircles the known world (blogging ethics be damned), I propose that we mutually place a link to each other's sites. If you're game, let me know. The revolution must begin somehow.
Ha! That's like when someone sings all the wrong words to a song and thinks YOU have it wrong. Too funny! I'll have to use that one "no point intended", as if I wasn't trying to make a point.
BTW~ you were asking about your template...your sidebar is too wide to fit the posts next to it (or vice versa). If you haven't messed with the code, I'm not sure how it happened. Check all of your posts to see if you put a dashed line "------" or stars or something in as a break in the middle of a post. if you did, remove some of them so it fits.
Nevermind. You have no "---" or anything that doesn't wrap on it's own. I have no idea.
I did that the other day to my web site as well. I changed the main area from 65% to 80% and it ended up being to much. I just wanted to narrow my side bar and the side bar ended up not fitting. I had to back it off to 75%...not sure if you played around with your settings, but you might want to check.
It does look like the right side of this post area is wider on the right than others with the same template...he's got a point.
Blue: I forgot about that episode of friends...that's hilarious!!
LeRoy: It actually doesn't surprise me that the first graders knew and he didn't...he's not the brightest bulb on the tree sometimes. Also...I'd love to link to your site although I still can't figure out how to do
TG: Your response to this is so funny considering my post right before this. That's great! I'll need to check this out and see if there's anything weird in the code in my template.
Blue: If I messed around with my settings, I didn't know what I was doing so they'll almost certainly be screwed up. Maybe I can see something.
Thanks everyone for your help!!
To add links, add this under the section called Sidebar in your template. You can add as amany as you want between the 2 ul commands. The h6 may be worng as it determines the font style and color. Use whatever is already in your sidebar area. It should match what it says for the "Previous Post."
I also wanted to note that your site works fine on my home computer where I use Firefox, but on IE it seems to be out of alignment. You could just try to re-download the template. You might want to copy yours first onto a note pad file so you can compare them. Let me know if you need help...
Well that didn't work. It won't let me send you the HTML code you need. You can email me and I can if you really want to add links to your site.
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