Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Well...what do you think?

Do you like it or should I go back? Thought I'd try something different so I'm interested in opinions. Not that I'll follow them or anything;)


At 12:29 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I like it better.

Dont listen to me, you are all much braver than me, mine is still the orginal template!

I was scared to death just to add the counter!

At 12:42 PM , Blogger KelBel said...

Thank you! I'm glad you like it, I kinda do too:)

At 1:10 PM , Blogger LeRoy said...

I like it too. I don't know about you but the template I chose didn't have an easy option for adding links. Hours later, after adding my own lines of code (living with a computer science major for 4 years should have helped me more than it really did) I felt like the most superior being on the face of the planet.
Keep up the good work; you're up on Church of the Baby Jesus as well. Let our world domination begin here.

At 1:35 PM , Blogger LeRoy said...

My only suggestion (and it's not because my blog is listed there) would be to try and make the font size bigger in your link section. It makes my eyes angry when I make them try and read the names there. It my code it had something to do with the number after the (h/ ).

At 1:48 PM , Blogger KelBel said...

Is the font size small on the links? That's funny because when I look at it, those are huge and take up a lot of space. I was going to try and make the font smaller. Hmm...does the font look small to everyone else?

At 7:55 PM , Blogger thtgrl said...

I like it, but it's taking a LONG time to come up. Don't know if it's the picks or the new code or the stupid dial up. But it's longer than usual. I'll wait though. It's worth it!

At 10:49 PM , Blogger KelBel said...

Is it taking longer? That sucks! It isn't on mine at home or work but I've got a cable modem so that's probably why. Thanks for saying it's worth it though!!

At 5:17 AM , Blogger RC666 said...

It didn't take any longer for me and I am on an outdated govt. computer. I like this one better, it is really neat, better than my scratings that I put together for a template.


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