Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. I've been out of commission for awhile, lots of stuff going on right now. The biggest thing of note though, is my mother. She's not doing too well and has been in the hospital for about a week and a half now. So she was there for Christmas, which is hard because she is one of those "Christmas people". You know, the ones that LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas and it's a huge deal. She spent it in a hospital which sucks. She cracked her sternum a few weeks ago because her bones are so brittle from the chemo. She's been in massive pain and can't really move and so the doctor said to put her in the hospital. She's getting morphine for the pain, to manage it somewhat, but she's been having some pretty bad days. We're just all praying that it can heal and she can get out of there. Today was a good day though, so that's hopeful.
I got to be the cooker of the meal on Christmas, and let me tell you I was nervous. Why?
a) I don't really cook
b) I've NEVER cooked a meal that big, or a turkey for that matter
c) I was cooking for about 17 people and so there was a lot of pressure.
I'm happy to say that it turned out fabulous....despite the fact that my parents couldn't be there (my father has spent 24/7 in the hospital with my mom...bless his heart. Only comes home to shower.) I got tons of praise for having made "The best turkey they've ever had". I have to say, it was the best I've ever had too...so I don't think they were just saying it to be nice:) I haven't gotten much rest though between family and friends in town, visiting my mom, working like a slave, housesitting for a friend, and all the rest of the fun holiday stuff. I'm physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted...but I'll survive. We all manage to do it and then recuperate:)
Well, I hope everyone is doing well and that you all have a super Happy New Year! Don't think mine will be too thrilling since all my friends will be gone by then, including the ones who live here going on vacation. New Year's is overrated though;) Well, talk to you guys next year! Happy 2006!!