Friday, May 20, 2005

If you get confused, listen to the music play

Amberlynn passed me the torch and so now it's my turn!

1. Total volume of music files on my computer?
I don’t know. I lost most of my music in a computer crash. I had a TON of music, although I'm really really bad at estimations. I had most of it burned onto cds, but all of it was lost from my machine. That'll teach me to backup!

2. The last CD I bought was?
I recently went on a CD shopping spree. I bought:
In between dreams- Jack Johnson, Guero- Beck, Live at Myrtle Beach- Widespread Panic, Live from Mars (my first one was ruined)- Ben Harper, The Hustle- G Love and Special Sauce, O- Damien Rice

3. Song playing right now:
Rodeo Clowns- G Love and Jack Johnson

4. Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me(in no particular order):
1. Pilgrims- Widespread Panic
2. Let's Stay Together- Al Green
3. Crush- Dave Matthews Band
4. Blue Sky- The Allman Brothers
5. Cocoon- Jack Johnson

5. Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?
Luke- Because I know he is a music freak
That Girl- I know all of her answers will include DMB;)
Martini- I know she's got some good taste
Blue- Because I'm interested to know the range of what he listens to
V- Because she seems so diverse in her music choices...I'm just curious about her favorites.

Keep in mind that you guys don't have to do this. I won't get my feelings hurt:) I mean, fine be that way;)


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