Tuesday, May 10, 2005


You know, like on "Wayne's World" when they go into a dream-type sequence or a flashback? Well, here's a flashback from my high school years because my friends and I were talking about things last night and it brought back a rush of memories.

Doodle-oodle-oot, Doodle-oodle-oot, Doodle-oodle-oot:
Time: Junior year of high school
Place: Going from my house to my friend Sarah's house
Scenario: We were having one of what we called our "dyke parties"(now, don't get the wrong idea...it was just because all 12 of us girls got together for a slumber party, and yes, that does say Junior year. Hey, we had to make time for the girls and leave the boys at home!)

My friend L and I were going to go over to (aw, hell I'll just use her name) our friend Sarah's house. Now, Sarah was what we liked to call prudish. She didn't ever try any drugs, didn't have sex, only drank on occasion. We all had experimented, and were currently indulging in the occasional hit from the bong. I admit it;)

SO, Sarah didn't like it when we were high around her. She said it made her feel like it was because we couldn't handle her sober. It wasn't that, it's just that her quirks were more hilarious when we were high (vs. annoying). Like, she planned out her outfits a month in advance...we're talking from socks to shoes all the way up to the clip she was going to wear in her hair. Totally coordinated. Very anal. Ok, so on with the story.

So, L and I decide that before we go to Sarah's house we'll have a few hits. So we partake and then proceed to drive to Sarah's. As we're driving, we started realizing how pissed she was going to be. We could already hear the shit we were going to catch.
Then, we of course realize how cool and nonchalant we are.
Me: We can play it off right?
L: Yeah, we're cool. She'll never know
Me: Yeah, we're cool.

We spent the entire rest of the car ride talking about how cool we are and how she'll never know.

So, we get to Sarah's house and she lived in one of those gated communities. She buzzed us in and was always in the habit of meeting us outside when we drove up. So, we drive up and get out of the car. She walks up to us. Here's how it goes.

Sarah:Are you guys stoned?

Us in Unison: NO!
Sarah: Yes you are!!
Us: NO we're not!!
Sarah: Well, then what's this?!!

Sarah pulls the biggest bud off of L's shirt. How we didn't notice that the entire time that we were talking about how cool we were that we could play it off, I have no idea. But we busted up laughing. I think I peed a little. I'm talking rolling around on the cement, crying laughing. Then I noticed Sarah wasn't laughing. Which made me laugh harder because...that's pretty damn funny really. Of course we told her what happened and the conversation, and she still didn't laugh, but we couldn't stop. Eventually she got over it...I think she finally forgave us about 3 years later;)


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