Monday, May 02, 2005

From one extreme to the other

For those of you eyes are all better. No more pink eyes! I was actually feeling much better Friday but my friends still boycotted me. Now Saturday? Saturday was a whole different ball game.

It started off fairly well. I got up and was energized...went to the gym and had a great workout. Called my boss to see if I could come get my check. No, he says. Why? Because they didn't have enough money to make payroll. Uh...WTF?!?! That's just awesome...another reason why a new job is in my near future. Anyway, he calls back a little later and says I can get my check after all. Still, it's the principle.

Anyway, here's a time line of events:
- 1:25 pm...picked up my super duper hungover friend for beers and mexican food
- 3:30pm ...get home and water the lawn
- 3:35 pm...different friend calls, wants to go to the mall
- 3:45 pm...friend picks me up and we go to the mall
-3:50 pm...go to almost every damn store in the mall and try on clothes
- 6:00 pm...leave mall (whew!)
- 6:10 pm...go to drug store to contemplate dying my hair dark brown
- 6:25 pm...opt to color the root growth with blonde and say that when/if I do decide to make the ultimate change, will get it done professionally
- 6:40 pm...get home and begin dye process
- 7:30 pm...finish dye process and wash out in shower
- 7:40 pm... first attempt at putting contacts back in after pink eye incident
- 7:45 pm... contact mission a success, begin applying "party night" makeup
- 8:00 pm...dry and style newly dyed and surprisingly great looking color hair
- 8:30 pm... get dressed and complete all finishing touches
- 8:50 at friends house for "party night"
- 9:00 pm...on our way to the bar!
- 9:15 pm... workin' on my buzz
-10:00 pm ... decide the bar was lame and walk down the street to another bar
- 10:05 pm...still workin' on my buzz (although I was a lot further along than I thought)
- 12:00 am... pretty much drunk after many drinks (when I drink liquor I tend to drink too fast). Talking about nonsense to friends I haven't seen in a while (some topics...ghosts, feet, my cell phone??)
- 1:30 am...many of my friends have left (the ones that came with me anyway) end up leaving with some other friends.
- 1:45 am...get to my friend's house and what's that? a party? oh, ok, let's go.
- 1:50 am...go to a party and there are some randoms and some people I know (I am pretty much wasted)
- 2:30 am ... once again talking nonsense to people I haven't seen since grade school (crazy)
- 3:30 am...attempt to get up to go to the bathroom and stumble, almost busted my ass, and someone(?) caught me? I hear "sexy" and some other guy go "yeah". WTF?
- 4:25 am...time to go home. This guy says (and he was actually cute) "You should just stay." Uh, ok guy, sure I'll stay here with you. I don't even know you. Yeah, no thanks...even though you're cute.
- 4:45 am...stumble in my front door (after confirmation that I was in fact going to make good on my promise to attend the wine/blues/jazz festival at 1:00 pm the next day)
- 4:50 am... get home, realize I lost my phone and an earring?... pass out.
- 9:30 am... awakened with a start for no reason. Feel like head was pummeled with a large hammer of some sort. Take 1 Ibuprofen 800.
- 9:45 am...realize I am dying a slow, miserable death. NO Ficking way am I going to an outdoor festival in the hot sun to drink! I can't even sit upright.
- 9:50 am- 12:35 friend and her brother called me about 30 times during this period. My friend didn't want to go b/c she was almost as hungover as I was and her brother is the one we made the promise to. I was lying on the couch, semi-comatose, trying to choke down water and crackers.
- 12:40 pm...receive threatening phone call saying I better get my ass in the shower and get ready because I'm going
-12:42 pm...get in shower.
-12:44 pm...realize I probably am dying and get the urge to do the technicolor yawn. That was it...I had no time to plan. Threw up in the shower 4 times. Knew I was dying at that point. Noticed that the ibuprofen I had taken hours ago was still whole and in the bathtub. Gross...sorry. I figured the ibuprofen on an empty stomach was NOT the way to go.
- 1:15 pm...go to friend's house to meet and be chauffered to the wine festival
- 1:30pm...everyone meets at the house and no one is in as bad of shape as I am
- 1:45 pm...realize I am damn funny when I'm on my death bed as I keep coming up with little remarks that are making everyone laugh (no, not pity least I hope not)
- 2:15 pm...get to the store for beers on the road and purchase a bag of Funyuns (don't ask...I haven't had those in years!)
- 2:45 pm...arrive at festival and begin to consume margaritas with shots of Rojo Loco (red wine of some type). Spend lots of money on drinks, a corn dog, curly fries, more drinks...and finally water. Went through waves of terrible and good feelings. Had fun, then was then miserable...and it went on and on. Finally, I couldn't do it anymore. I was on the verge and it was time.
-6:00 pm...We left and as soon as I got in the car with some AC I was MUCH better. Drank hot beers in the car...finished off funyuns (when I'm hungover, food is the greatest thing ever, once I can get it to stay down).
- 6:30 pm...decide we need some Mexican food (yeah, more food). Go to eat. My friend B decides to shove a whole sopaipilla in his mouth. Laughed uncontrollably for about 10 minutes.
-7:00 pm...B and E drop me off at home. I call my friend (who didn't do anything this weekend and feels fit as a fiddle) and B and E are at her house. Why did they drop me off then? They want me to come over.
-7:03 pm...(she lives really close) get to T's house and hang out. Laugh about stuff for like 30 minutes. Decide to go to B's house.
- 7:40 pm... get to B's house and hang out. Watched "Family Guy" and "American Dad"...laughed.
-9:10 pm...go to T's house and get in jacuzzi. Relaxed and relaxed.
- 10:15 pm...go home and (finally) pass out.

It was non-stop this weekend but I had a blast. I've never laughed so hard. So, that's it. Now I'm just dead today, but I think I'm gonna live.


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