Feliz Cinco de Mayo
I just want to give a shout out to all my Mexi-peeps on this holiday of holidays. In honor of this día de fiesta en Español, I'd like to share with you guys my favorite Spanish phrases, practiced throughout my high school years in Juarez, México. This was a typical night.
- ¿Por qué necesitas mi ID? Soy dieciocho. (Why do you need my ID? I'm 18.
- Compa(dre)...una cerveza por favor. (Friend/Bartender...a beer please.)
- Necesito fumar un cigarrillo.(I need to smoke a cigarette)
- Déme un shot (pronounced as spanishly as possible) por favor. (Get me a shot please)
- ¿A donde está el baño? (Where is the bathroom?)
- Voy a vomitar. (I'm going to vomit)
- ¡Mas tequila! (More tequila!)
- ¡Aquí vienen los polis! Corrale!! (Here comes the police! Run!!)
- Tengo hambre...quiero tacos! (I'm hungry...I want tacos!)
- ¿Es este gato carne? Es bueno. (Is this cat meat? It's good)
- ¿Quién puede manejar? (Who can drive?)
- ¡La línea en el puente está tan de largo! (The line on the bridge is so long!)
- Voy a ser atrasado para mi toque de queda! (I'm going to be late for my curfew!)
- No señor, no soy barracha. Soy Americana! (No sir, I'm not drunk. I'm American!)
So there you have it...a typical high school night for me huevos rancheros style. Speaking of huevos rancheros and also in honor of Cinco de Mayo...I would like to give a shout out to my fave Mexican dishes.
Huevos rancheros... who loves ya baby?!
Chilaquiles... mm mmm mmm!
Machaca... oh how I love your sweet, sweet meat.
Ceviche...something fishy this way comes.
Menudo...where's the beef?
Green Chile Enchiladas...ooh, Spicy!
Chimichangas...fry 'em, fry 'em, and fry 'em again!
Sal picón... words cannot describe how much I adore you.
And last but definitely not least...my little Mexican bebidas...how you've gotten me through life:)
Jose Cuervo
Dos Equis
Mexican Flags
So kids...go out tonight for Cinco de Mayo, have some Chimichangas, drink some Micheladas, and vas a vómito!!
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