Friday, March 25, 2005

I have decided to stand my ground!

Our top story:
That's right kids, music (for now) is here to stay. In celebration of this event and FRIDAY(and I had a really REALLY hard time deciding on today's choice), here's today's jam out music. I'm working on getting the controls on there so you guys can do with it what you please:) Enjoy and thanks to those of you who supported me!

In other news:
I'm Blog of the Day at My Anything But Normal Life(who by the way is playing some pretty sweet music too!)!!!! Thank you Denny, thank you thank you thank you. Was it my telepathy that made you do it? Just yesterday I was thinking how I hadn't been BOD or if I had, I missed it. Thanks're the shizzzznit!

Let's just say that so far, Friday rocks! Music makes me happy, BOD makes me happy, and no boss today makes me happy! That's right kiddies, while the boss is away the (insert various job titles here) will play!

And finally:
Sad news from the fast food industry. I'm sure you've all heard the story about a lady that found a finger in her chili from Wendy's. WTF? The question is...will we all continue to eat at Wendy's after this? Well....OF COURSE! I mean, THIS IS WENDY'S WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. How could we not? I never eat chili anyway. That's what she gets. I say, when your order your JBH (or whatever your poison pun intended) do a quick once over to make sure the employees still have all their digits;)

Tune in later for any updates! Thanks for reading!


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