Tuesday, March 01, 2005

And now, the answers you've all been waiting for...

Ok, so I wanted Blue to interview me and here's the drill.
This is a "Tag! You're It" kind of exercise except you have to volunteer to be tagged. Here are my questions:
1. Leave me (KelBel) a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on Bizarro World. They will be different questions than the ones above.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. Other than your wedding day or the birth of a child, tell me about the best day of your life.
Well, since I've never been married and have no children, we won't have to worry about that any way. The best day of my life would have to be when I found out that my mother's cancer was completely gone, miraculously. She was diagnosed at Stage IV and wasn't expected to make it past 6 months. After 5 and a half months of treatment, the doctor was absolutely baffled because her tumor, that was the size of a grapefruit, was completely gone (along with the cancer in her lungs and lymph nodes). That's the best day of my life.

2. If you had your choice to be a professional actor, singer or writer, which would you choose and why?
I would choose to be a writer because I've always dreamed of it. It's much easier to express myself in writing than it would be through acting or song. Plus, you don't have to get up and write in front of a large crowd of people or cameras:) I still want to be a writer, so just keep a look out for my novel someday!

3. What three things would you absolutely have to have if you were stranded on a desert island? Why?
Can I bring 3 genies? Ok, seriously I'd have to have music because I've always loved it and it always helps me calm down and put things into perspective, a laptop so that I can write whatever comes to mind during that solitary time, and cigarettes even though I quit. I might as well, if I'm going to be stranded, I should enjoy something!.

4. What is the best gift you have ever received?
Well, this goes with #1 because my mother's recovery was the greatest gift in the world. If we're talking about a physical gift though, I'd have to say a very beautiful, leather bound journal that I looked at one time and just loved. My boyfriend came home with it 3 months later for Valentine's day. I barely remembered it at that point, but the fact that after all that time and only a passing mention of it, he remembered and bought it made it great.

5. What would you like to hear god say to you when you reach the Pearly Gates?
We are so delighted to have you here, there are so many people who have been waiting for you. Let the party begin;)!


At 3:26 PM , Blogger Martini Love said...

Hey good answers! It's good to know that I am not the only smoker that has quit that would want them while being stranded on an island! That is really cool about your mother, that would be a great day!

At 7:13 PM , Blogger thtgrl said...

That's amazing about your mother! Your family is very lucky. Very good answers...


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