Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sometimes I wonder...

So, I totally forgot about this dream until a little while ago and thought I'd share it with you:

I was visiting this house w/"Englebert" (my friend) somewhere and there were these 2 women that lived there. They were giving us a tour. So the good looking chick liked "Englebert" but said she couldn’t do anything w/him b/c her ex husband would get mad, I said why and she said “Dave just gets pissed”. So, here comes her ex, and it was Dave Mathews! So then here's Dave and he's pissed b/c "Englebert" was there and he wanted us to leave b/c he didn’t want us to be able to brag to people about hanging out with him. So I talked him out of making us leave. Then there was this “poltergeist” that would make farting sounds and we all had to ignore it and blame it on someone else ("Englebert") then he’d throw different colored eyeballs (like paintballs) and we’d have to ignore that too. What the hell???

On another note, I found this blog today and I found it to be quite amusing and fun to read. You should check it out. Also, have you heard of this guy? should check him out, although not for the weak of...well, sense of humor.

Oh yeah, I saw this too while I was blogsurfing and I just couldn't resist...I know it's not nice to make fun of people, but this guy left himself wide open.
"Hey there. Go NWC! Yay for Camp Lebanon! I'm an action movie/romantic comedy guy. What can I say, beneath the rough exterior of the manly beast I am, I'm actually quite the romantic. Ok forget the manly beast comment. Ok so the Bible is the best book ever. Actually, the Bible is the "book of books", meaning it's tbe best, of course. Oh yeah, it's the biggest one of all. It can totally kick the snot out of any other book. The other books all know who's boss when Mr. Bible comes to town and unleashes all it's fury on the soon-to-be sore behinds of all the weaker I'm stupid. "
Yes, yes you are.


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