Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Imagine my dismay

I saw something on Good Morning America this morning and thought "Eh, I'll check it out." Totally lame but I'm bored, so that makes it ok. I took this test and you answer a bunch of questions and it tells you what kind of dog you are. So, I bet you're wondering what I am. Aren't cha aren't cha!?!!?

Here's me:

Nice huh? Now, no offense to you Pug lovers out there but they're kinda gross. Yeah, they're a little cute, but they also snort and breathe really loudly. Not really how I pictured myself but hey, the Internet knows best right? Apparently, here's why I'm a pug.

Charming, intelligent and tolerant, this dog makes an ideal domestic family member, although it isn't easy to house train.

Well, that is true...I'm having a hard time with the whole "toilet training" thing. So, does that mean that someday I'll make a lovely "pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen" wife? Damn, I hope not. What kind of dog are you?


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