Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dust in the wind

Yeah, I used a song title. That's what I've got today though, although it's more like dirt in the wind. This city gets so nasty windy that going outside is torture. All the dirt from our plentiful desert blows all up and around so that the sky turns a nice shade of brown. Don't put on lipstick, lipgloss, or chapstick (for the guys) because not only does your hair end up stuck to your lips, but you end up with a mini-oasis on your face. It's disgusting. You're eating dirt, you've got dirt in your eyes, there's dirt in your hair and on your clothes. Damn the wind and the dirt.

One year while I was going to college, we had a horrible wind/dust storm. Knocked out power everywhere. My friend and I had gotten out of class and were walking up "Cardiac Hill" (one of the hills at UTEP to a parking lot) to get to my car. The wind and dirt were so bad that it felt like your skin was being sandblasted off. We seriously were almost blown over. Some random guy stops and asks us if we need a ride. Uh, yeah, don't even care if you're a rapist/murderer. We'll get in your car stranger. Luckily, he was just a good samaritan. He dropped us off at my car. I still had my good 'ol faded red Chevy Sprint and the weather stripping was gone from the windows. We get in my car and there's about a 3 inch layer of dirt all throughout my car. No kidding. It sucked. Not to mention we almost blew away on the freeway. Ah, those were the days. Freakin wind!

Dear Wind,

Stop it.



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