Thursday, March 03, 2005

Things I hate about today

I thought I'd top this off with a list...I won't say just how many items are going to be on my list because I am sure there are things that I hate that I have yet to think about, but here goes:
1. I hate that they feel the need to keep the temperature inside my building at about 95 degrees.
2. I hate that even at 95 degrees, when I can feel sweat on my brow, that my feet are still freezing.
3. I hate that the bathroom is across the windtunnel from my office and I have to walk about a half a mile to get there, so I wait until I'm about to explode to go so hopefully I'll get most of it out and won't have to go for another 2 hours or so.
4. I hate that I have to pee so often.
5. I hate that everytime I walk through a specific dept., the guy at the front always says "Smile!" I don't walk around with a freaking smile on my face all the time. That's just not normal.
6. I hate that when I do smile he says "Come on, give me a real smile." If he's forcing me to smile then how can it be real.
7. I hate that my boss has been screwing around all day and I'm stuck here in this office running interference for him so that no one knows he hasn't been here the majority of the day.
8. I hate lying for my boss.
9. I hate headaches, and boy do I have a massive one.
10. I hate people who overstay their welcome in my office....can't they see I'm trying to finish my blog post?
11. I hate that my printer says I need new ink but let's me continue to print on those cartridges for weeks on end.
12. I hate the radio stations in this city.
13. I hate that all my cds are in my car.
14. I hate that I have to park my car about a mile away (as the parking lot is for customers) in the ghetto where either a) it will get stolen or b) I will get stolen when walking to it in the dark at 6 pm.
15. I hate complaining about everything.
16. I hate what I'm wearing today. I knew it before I left the house, but I just didn't have time to find anything else.
17. I hate my alarm.
18. I hate that this list could go on and on, so I'll just end it here.

Well, that helped a bit:)


At 4:21 PM , Blogger Blue944 said...

Don't sugar coat it...give it to me straight. How do you feel?

At 9:18 AM , Blogger KelBel said...

Good guess's a nuclear powered coal mine;)


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