Sunday, February 05, 2006

Outlook good

Thanks to everyone for all of your support throughout this difficult time, I know I keep saying it, but I just want to make sure you all know how much it means.

Well, I think that I've come out of this whole thing with a new outlook on life. I just mean that my life is right now. It's not in 6 months or in a couple of years. I've found that for the past year or so my life has been a series of "waiting rooms". I have constantly been waiting for something to happen and if I'm ever going to have a life of my own, I need to take some action.

I still have my moments of sadness where I feel like I just don't want to do anything, but those are few. I know how proud my mother is of me and I want to keep her proud. I have a plan and I have implemented a part of it so far. I don't want to give away details because it seems like when I speak of things, I jinx myself, so I'm going to keep this under wraps until it happens. Let's just say that if I shook a magic 8 ball it would say "Outlook Good."


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